5. Known Issues

  • Illustrate does not work when using HCatalog loading in Pig scripts.

  • Hive create table operation fails when datanucleus.autoCreateSchema is set to true.

  • When at least one ZooKeeper Server becomes non-responsive, the host status for the other hosts with the ZooKeeper Servers may be displayed incorrectly on the


    and the

    Host Detail


  • Use of init.d scripts for starting or stopping Hadoop services, is not recommended.

  • To be able to use Oozie command line client, you must first export JAVA_HOME.

  • Pig or MapReduce jobs get incorrect data when reading binary data type from the HCatalog table. For details, see: HCATALOG-430.

  • If you are using Talend 5.1.1, you need to include the new hadoop-core.jar, hadoop-lzo.jar and /etc/hadoop/conf in the classpath and the native Java libraries in the java.library.path.