2.1. Patch information for Hadoop

Hadoop is patched to include the following:

  • High Availability (HA) enhancements: HDFS-3522, HDFS-3521, HDFS-1108, HDFS-3551, HDFS-528, HDFS-3667, HDFS-3516, HDFS-3696, HDFS-3658, MAPREDUCE-4328, MAPREDUCE-3837, MAPREDUCE-4328, MAPREDUCE-4603, and HADOOP-8656.

  • Performance improvements: HDFS-2465, HDFS-2751, HDFS-496, MAPREDUCE-782, MAPREDUCE-1906, MAPREDUCE-4399, MAPREDUCE-4400, MAPREDUCE-3289, MAPREDUCE-3278, HADOOP-7753, and HADOOP-8617.

  • Bug Fixes: HDFS-3846 and MAPREDUCE-4558.

  • HADOOP-5464: Added support for disabling write timeout. To do this, you can set zero values for dfs.socket.timeout and dfs.datanode.socket.write.timeout parameters.

  • HDFS-2617: Replaced Kerberized SSL for image transfer and fsck with SPNEGO-based solution.

  • HDFS-3466: Fixed SPNEGO filter to use the DFS_WEB_AUTHENTICATION_KERBEROS_KEYTAB_KEY to find the keytab.

  • HDFS-3461: Fixed HFTP to use the same port and protocol while ontaining the delegation token.

  • HADOOP-6947: Fixed Kerberos relogin to configure the refreshKrb5Config correctly.

  • MAPREDUCE-3837: Enhanced JobTracker job recivery mechanism in the event of a crash.

  • HDFS-3652: Fixed edit stream issues caused in the event of FSEditlog failure.

  • MAPREDUCE-4399: Fixed performance regression in shuffle.

  • HADOOP-7154: Added support to set MALLOC_ARENA_MAX in hadoop-config.sh file.'

  • HDFS-3652: Fixed edit stream issues caused in the event of FSEditlog failure.

  • MAPREDUCE-4399: Fixed performance regression in shuffle.

  • HADOOP-7154: Added support to set MALLOC_ARENA_MAX in hadoop-config.sh file.