2. Quick Checks

  • If you are sharing the same host machine for NameNode, Secondary NameNode, JobTracker, HCatalog Server, and HBase Master, ensure that you setup SSH for localhost.

  • Make sure the directories to which gsInstaller needs to write information are writable. The locations for all the directories are specified in the gsInstaller.properties file.

  • Make sure all the appropriate services are running. For information on how to do this, see Manage Services Manually.

  • If the first HDFS put command fails to replicate the block, the clocks in the nodes may not be synchronized. Make sure that Network Time Protocol (NTP) is enabled for your cluster.

  • If HBase does not start, check if its slaves (as specified in the nodes and hbasenodes flat text files) are running on 64-bit JVMs. The ZooKeeper service must run on a 64-bit host machine.

  • Make sure the hosts specified in the flat text files are listed as FQDN, not IP addresses.

  • Make sure umask is set to 0022.

  • Make sure the HCatalog host can access the MySQL server. From a shell try:

    mysqld -h $FQDN_for_MySQL_server -u $FQDN_for_HCatalog_Server -p

    You will need to provide the password you set up for Hive/HCatalog during the installation process.

  • Make sure MySQL is running. By default, MySQL server does not start automatically on reboot.

    To set auto-start on boot, from a shell, type:

    chkconfig -–level 35 mysql on

    To then start the service manually from a shell, type:

    service mysqld start