4.2. Configure your existing KDC server

  1. Modify the realm property for krb5.conf and kdc.conf file.


    Ensure that the realm value in your krb5.conf file matches with the default value for realm property in your gsInstaller.properties file.

    Update the realm property in the kdc.conf file and copy this file to each node in your cluster.

  2. Create the principals for all services in your Hadoop cluster.

    • Execute the following command:

      kadmin: addprinc -randkey $$principal_name/fully.qualified.domain.name@YOUR-REALM.COM

    • The $principal_name must use the following mandatory naming conventions:


      Upper case name in the FQDN part of the principals does not work with Kerberos. (JIRA: HADOOP-7988)

      Table 3.3. Secure deployment - Mandatory naming conventions for principals
      Service Name Principal Name (mandatory naming convention)
      NameNode nn and HTTP
      Secondary NameNode nn, HTTP
      JobTracker jt
      TaskTracker tt
      DataNode dn

      HBase Master


      HBase RegionServer

      ZooKeeper zookeeper
      Hive Metastore hive
      Oozie oozie
      Oozie HTTP
      WebHCat HTTP

  3. Set permissions for keytabs directory to 755.


    The location of the keytab directory is specified by the keytabdir property in the gsInstaller.properties file.

  4. Create keytab files for all services and assign required permissions.

    kadmin: xst -norandkey -k $keytab_file_name $principal_name/fully.qualified.domain.name 

    where, the $keytab_file_name uses the following mandatory naming conventions:

    Table 3.4. Secure deployment - Mandatory naming conventions for keytab files
    Service Name Keytab File Name Principal Name Permissions Owner
    NameNode nn.service.keytab nn 700 hdfs:hadoop
    NameNode spnego.service.keytab HTTP 700 hdfs:hadoop
    Secondary NameNode nn.service.keytab nn 700 hdfs:hadoop
    Secondary NameNode spnego.service.keytab HTTP 700 hdfs:hadoop
    JobTracker jt.service.keytab jt 700 mapred:hadoop
    TaskTracker tt.service.keytab tt 700 mapred:hadoop
    DataNode dn.service.keytab dn 700 hdfs:hadoop
    HBase Master hbase.service.keytab hbase 700 hbase:hadoop
    HBase RegionServer hbase.service.keytab hbase 700 hbase:hadoop
    ZooKeeper zookeeper.service.keytab zookeeper 700 zookeeper:hadoop
    Hive Metastore hive.service.keytab hive 700 hive:hadoop
    Oozie oozie.service.keytab oozie 700 oozie:hadoop
    Oozie spnego.service.keytab HTTP 700 oozie:hadoop
    WebHCat spnego.service.keytab HTTP 700 webhcat:hadoop

  5. On each of the node in your cluster, change directory to the keytab directory (the location is specified by the keytabdir property in the gsInstaller.properties file).

  6. Copy the appropriate keytab file on each of node in your cluster.

  7. Follow the steps listed in Step 2-2 through Step 2-4 above for creating keytab files and principals for the following users. Use the following mandatory naming conventions:

    Table 3.5. Secure deployment - Mandatory naming conventions for HDFS service and Smoke test user's keytabs and host principals
    User Keytab File Name Principal Name Permissions
    $hdfsuser:hadoop $hdfsuser.headless.keytab $hdfsuser 700
    $smoke_test_user:hadoop $smoke_test_user.headless.keytab $smoke_test_user 700
    $hbaseuser:hadoop $hbaseuser.headless.keytab $hbaseuser 700


    • $hdfsuser is the user owning HDFS services. For example, hdfs.

    • $smoke_test_user is the user that executes smoke tests to test if your Hadoop cluster is successfully deployed. By default, the value is hdptestuser.

    • $hbaseuser is the user owning HBase services. For example, hbase.