Using Ambari Core Services
Also available as:

System Home

Metrics to see the overall status of the cluster.

Table 1. System Home metrics descriptions
Row Metrics Description
OVERVIEW AVERAGES Logical CPU Count Per Server Average number of CPUs (including hyperthreading) aggregated for selected hosts.
Total Memory Per Server Total system memory available per server aggregated for selected hosts.
Total Disk Space Per Server Total disk space per server aggregated for selected hosts.
OVERVIEW - TOTALS Logical CPU Count Total Total Number of CPUs (including hyperthreading) aggregated for selected hosts.
Total Memory Total system memory available per server aggregated for selected hosts.
Total Disk Space Total disk space per server aggregated for selected hosts.
CPU CPU Utilization -Average CPU utilization aggregated for selected hosts.
SYSTEM LOAD System Load - Average Load average (1 min, 5 min and 15 min) aggregated for selected hosts.
MEMORY Memory - Average Average system memory utilization aggregated for selected hosts.
Memory - Total Total system memory available aggregated for selected hosts.
DISK UTILITZATION Disk Utilitzation - Average Average disk usage aggregated for selected hosts.
Disk Utilitzation - Total Total disk available for selected hosts.

Disk IO - Average

(upper chart)

Disk read/write counts (iops) co-related with bytes aggregated for selected hosts.

Disk IO - Average

(lower chart)

Average Individual read/write statistics as MBps aggregated for selected hosts.

Disk IO - Total

Sum of read/write bytes/sec aggregated for selected hosts.
NETWORK IO Network IO - Average Average Network statistics as MBps aggregated for selected hosts.
NETWORK PACKETS Network IO - Total Sum of Network packets as MBps aggregated for selected hosts.
Network Packets -Average Average of Network packets as KBps aggregated for selected hosts.
SWAP/NUM PROCESSES Swap Space - Average Average swap space statistics aggregated for selected hosts.
Num Processes - Average Average number of processes aggregated for selected hosts.
  • Average implies sum/count for values reported by all hosts in the cluster. Example: In a 30 second window, if 98 out of 100 hosts reported 1 or more value, it is the SUM(Avg value from each host + Interpolated value for 2 missing hosts)/100.

  • Sum/Total implies the sum of all values in a timeslice (30 seconds) from all hosts in the cluster. The same interpolation rule applies.