Security Reference
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Configure HBase Master

How to configure HBase Master when setting up Kerberos for non-Ambari clusters.

Edit the $HBASE_CONF_DIR/hbase-site.xml file on your HBase Master server to add the following information.
$HBASE_CONF_DIR is the directory to store the HBase configuration files. For example, /etc/hbase/conf

HBase Master Configuration (Kerberos, non-Ambari)

There are no default values. The following are all examples.

        <description>Full path to the Kerberos keytab file to use 
                     for logging in the configured HMaster server principal.    
        <description>Ex. "hbase/_HOST@EXAMPLE.COM". 
        The Kerberos principal name that should be used to run the HMaster process.  
        The principal name should be in the form: user/hostname@DOMAIN.  If "_HOST" is used as the hostname portion, 
        it will be replaced with the actual hostname of the running instance.    
        <description>Full path to the Kerberos keytab file to use for logging
        in the configured HRegionServer server principal.    
        <description>Ex. "hbase/_HOST@EXAMPLE.COM".The Kerberos principal name thatshould be used to run the HRegionServer process. 
The principal name should be in the form: user/hostname@DOMAIN.  
If _HOSTis used as the hostname portion, it will be replaced with the actual hostname of the runninginstance.  
An entry for this principal must existin the file specified in hbase.regionserver.keytab.file    
<!--Additional configuration specific to HBase security -->
        <description>List of users or groups (comma-separated), who are allowed full privileges, regardless of stored ACLs, across the cluster. 
Only used when HBase security is enabled.    
        <value>,, </value>    
        <description>A comma-separated list of Coprocessors that are loaded by default on all tables. 
        <description>Enables HBase authorization. Set the value of this property to false to disable HBase authorization.
        <description>Directory in the default filesystem, owned by the hbase user, and has permissions(-rwx--x--x, 711) </description>  