Configuring Wire Encryption
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Configure Accumulo Servers

Now that the Java KeyStores have been created with the necessary information, the Accumulo configuration must be updated so that Accumulo creates the Thrift server over SSL instead of a normal socket.

Configure the following properties in accumulo-site.xml:


The keystore and truststore paths are both absolute paths on the local file system (not HDFS). Remember that the server keystore should only be readable by the user running Accumulo and, if you place plain-text passwords in accumulo-site.xml, make sure that accumulo-site.xml is also not globally readable. To keep these passwords out of accumulo-site.xml, consider configuring your system with the new Hadoop CredentialProvider class.

Also, be aware that if unique passwords are used for each server when generating the certificate, this will result in different accumulo-site.xml files for each host. Unique configuration files for each host will add complexity to the configuration management of your instance. The use of a CredentialProvider (a feature from Hadoop which allows for acquisitions of passwords from alternate systems) can help alleviate the issues with unique accumulo-site.xml files on each host. A Java KeyStore can be created using the CredentialProvider tools, which eliminates the need for passwords to be stored in accumulo-site.xml, and can instead point to the CredentialProvider URI which is consistent across hosts.