Chapter 2. Hortonworks Connector for Teradata
Hortonworks Connector for Teradata (powered by the Teradata Connector for Hadoop) 1.6.3 is an implementation of a Sqoop connector that enables those conversant with the Apache Sqoop tool to transfer data between the Teradata MPP DBMS and Apache Hadoop environments. You can use the connector with HDP 3.x and later. It is not backwards compatible with previous HDP versions, MapR versions and/or CDH versions. Please see below for additional details. Download the Teradata v1.6.3 connector from HDP Add-Ons.
Sqoop provides facilities for bulk transfer of data between external data stores and the Hadoop environment exploiting the Map Reduce paradigm. Sqoop depends on JDBC interfaces to access the external databases.
Most of the databases also have specialized access methods for high-speed bulk data transfers for efficient batch processing needs, such as backups, etc.
To accommodate the varieties of database mechanisms to facilitate bulk transfer, Sqoop provides extensible base implementations of the data transfer functions utilizing the JDBC interface that can optionally be enhanced to suit a database-specific method of data transfer.
Sqoop has the notion of Connectors, which contain the specialized logic to read and write to external systems.
The Hortonworks Connector for Teradata ("Hortonworks Connector") is a Sqoop Connector implementation for Teradata.
It is built on the Teradata Connector for Hadoop, a Teradata product.
Supported Features
The Hortonworks Connector supports the following features:
Import/Export tools that run Hadoop MR jobs to transfer data.
Support for Text, Sequence, ORCFiles, Avro, and RCFiles as the source for export operations and target for im port operations.
Note: If you will run Avro jobs, download avro-mapred-1.7.4-hadoop2.jar and place it under $SQOOP_HOME/lib.
Importable or query data from Teradata to:
An existing partitioned or non-partitioned Hive table.
A new partitioned or non-partitioned Hive table created by the connector.
Export data from HDFS files or Hive tables to empty or non-empty Teradata tables.
Facilities for mapping schemas between Teradata and Hive, including necessary data type conversions.
Connector Feature Checklist
Import all tables: Supported.
Incremental import: Sqoop options are not supported but can be emulated, as specified in the sample invocation Incremental Import.
BLOB and CLOB: Limited to 64 KB.
Import data to Sqoop
TextFormat, delimited: Supported.
SequenceFile: Supported.
RCFile: Supported.
ORCFile: Supported.
Avro file: Supported.
Hive arguments: Support for all standard Hive arguments. All data types except Union are supported.
Export from / import to HCatalog table: Supported.
Automatic schema mapping to/from HCatalog: Supported.
Import using a query: Supported.
Update table: Not supported.
Compression: Not supported.
Software Versions and Installation
Connector Version
This document discusses the Hortonworks Connector for Teradata ("Hortonworks Connector") built on version 1.6.3 of the Teradata Connector for Hadoop.
Supported Product Versions
This section lists the product versions supported in the current release of the Hortonworks Connector.
HDP Version
HDP 3.1.5 or later
Teradata Database Versions
The following Teradata database versions are supported:
Teradata Database 16.00
Teradata Database 15.10
Teradata Database 15.00
Teradata Database 14.10
Teradata Database 14.00
Hive Version
Hive 3.x and later
Sqoop Versions
Sqoop 1.4.7
Requirements and Dependencies
System Requirements
The Hortonworks Connector requires:
OracleJRE/OracleJDK 1.8 or later versions
OpenJRE/OpenJDK 1.8 or later versions
Teradata GSS Driver 16.20 (tdgssconfig)
Teradata JDBC Driver 16.20 (terajdbc)
Teradata Connector for Hadoop 1.6.3
Installation Dependencies
Sqoop must be installed first.
Installing the Software
Download the tarball from the "Add-Ons" for the latest version of Hortonworks Data Platform (HDP) here:
Extract the contents of the tar archive to $SQOOP_HOME/lib. Sqoop will then distribute the contents of the tar to the necessary nodes.
This section provides information about connection credentials and configuration options.
Database Connection Credentials
Refer to Sqoop documentation for the Teradata database connection credentials.
Configuration Options
The Hortonworks Connector defines many connector-specific options. A good selection of them is also available as Sqoop options (although not all Sqoop options are directly translatable to Hortonworks Connector options).
Configuration Option Precedence
Options can be specified using any of these techniques:
a configuration file
command line optionSqoop options (where applicable): apart from standard Sqoop options, a few connectorspecific options are supported
Therefore the following precedence is established:
Sqoop connector-specific extra arguments have the highest precedence. (Sqoop command line options must match, or execution will fail.)
command line options are provided, they override the configuration file values.The value in the configuration file is the default.
As an example, if the configuration file sets the number of input mappers to 4 and
the command line option (-D
) sets it to 5, but the Sqoop option
is set to 6, then the import job will use 6
In some cases, option constraints and the relationships between options affect the
configuration value used. For example, import options
and file.format
interrelated. These options are described in Connector
Import Options.
Sqoop Options
The Sqoop option --connection-manager
must be set as follows to use the
Hortonworks Connector for Teradata (see the
Sample Invocations):
--connection-manager org.apache.sqoop.teradata.TeradataConnManager
Some of the Sqoop options are unsupported in the current release of the Hortonworks Connector for Hadoop. See the Appendix for a list of unsupported Sqoop options.
Hortonworks Connector Options
The Appendix describes the Hortonworks Connector options, including Connector Import Options and Connector-specific Extra Arguments.
Data Type Support
The Hortonworks Connector data types depend on Teradata database types listed in the section called “1.6.3 Connector Release Content”.
Unsupported Data Types
These Teradata types are unsupported:
This Hive type is unsupported:
Sample Invocations
The following examples assume that the SQOOP_HOME environment variable is set to the base directory of the Sqoop installation.
![]() | Important |
When importing data from Teradata Connector for Hadoop version 1.6.3 or later into Hive in a non-TDE cluster, the user must be in the same group as the group with access to the Hive table warehouse directory. |
Import Data from Teradata to Hadoop and Hive
$SQOOP_HOME/bin/sqoop import \ -libjars $LIB_JARS \ --connection-manager org.apache.sqoop.teradata.TeradataConnManager \ --username tduser \ --password tduserpass \ --table tablename --hcatalog-table hcat table
Specify a Connector-Extra Argument
For example, to use numpartitionsinstaging extra arguments you need to pass in the information at the very end of the Sqoop command:
$SQOOP_HOME/bin/sqoop import \ -libjars $LIB_JARS \ --connection-manager org.apache.sqoop.teradata.TeradataConnManager \ --query "SELECT * FROM TEST" \ --target-dir /tmp/td_sqoop_test \ -connect "jdbc:teradata://localhost/ENCRYPTDATA=OFF,DATABASE=local" \ -username xxx \ -password xxx \ --split-by IID \ --num-mappers \ --verbose – --numpartitionsinstaging
Incremental Import
Teradata incremental import emulates the check-column and last value options. Here is an example for a table which has 'hire_date' as the date column to check against and 'name' as the column that can be used to partition the data.
export USER=dbc export PASS=dbc export HOST=<dbhost> export DB=<dbuser> export TABLE=<dbtable> export JDBCURL=jdbc: teradata: //$HOST/DATABASE=$DB export IMPORT_DIR=<hdfs-dir to import> export VERBOSE=--verbose export MANAGER=org.apache.sqoop.teradata.TeradataConnManager export CONN_MANAGER="--connection-manager $MANAGER" export CONNECT="--connect $JDBCURL" MAPPERS="--num-mappers 4" DATE="'1990-12-31'" FORMAT="'yyyy-mm-dd'" LASTDATE="cast( $DATE as date format $FORMAT)" SQOOPQUERY="select * from employees where hire_date < $LASTDATE AND \ $CONDITIONS" $SQOOP_HOME/bin/sqoop import $TDQUERY $TDSPLITBY $INPUTMETHOD $VERBOSE $CONN_MANAGER $CONNECT -query "$SQOOPQUERY" --username $USER --password $PASS --target-dir $IMPORT_DIR --split-by name
Export Data to Teradata
$SQOOP_HOME/bin/sqoop export \ --connect jdbc:teradata:// \ --connection-manager org.apache.sqoop.teradata.TeradataConnManager \ --username dbc \ --password dbc \ --table employees2 \ --export-dir /user/hrt_qa/test-sqoop/out \ --batch
Appendix: Configuration Options
This appendix describes the Hortonworks Connector configuration options and lists the Sqoop options that are currently unsupported.
Sqoop Options
To use the Hortonworks Connector, you must set the Sqoop option --connection-manager
to org.apache.sqoop.teradata.TeradataConnManager
as shown in the
Sample Invocations.
Some of the Sqoop options are unsupported in the current release of the Hortonworks Connector for Hadoop. The tables below list the unsupported import and export options.
![]() | Note |
Imports and exports are defined from the Hadoop perspective, that is, an import brings data into Hadoop from the database and an export moves data out of Hadoop into the database. |
Unsupported Sqoop Import Options
Import Category | Unsupported Options |
Control Options |
Incremental Options |
Output Formatting Options |
Hive Support Options |
HBase Support Options |
Data Mapping Options |
Unsupported Sqoop Export Options
Export Category | Unsupported Options |
Control Options |
Input Parsing Options |
Data Mapping Options |
Hortonworks Connector Options
This section describes configuration options provided by the Hortonworks Connector.
For information about how the options can be specified, see Configuration Option Precedence.
![]() | Note |
Imports and exports are defined from the Hadoop perspective, that is, an import brings data into Hadoop from the database and an export moves data out of Hadoop into the database. |
Connector Import Options
All option names below are prefixed by "teradata.db.input."
when specified in the configuration files or in the -D
command line option.
For example, the job.type
option is specified as
Connector Import Option (teradata.db.input.* ) |
Description | Overrriding Sqoop Option |
job.type |
The type of import job. Required: no Supported values: hcat, hive, hdfs Default value: hdfs |
None for 'hcat' and 'hive' settings; also none for 'hdfs' when the file format is 'textfile'. But for file formats other than 'textfile' the 'hdfs' job type is reset to 'hive', therefore the following Sqoop option overrides a job.type of 'hdfs':
file.format |
The format of a to-be-imported data file in HDFS. An 'hcat' or 'hive' job type supports 'rcfile', 'sequencefile', and 'textfile' file formats; and an 'hdfs' job type supports only 'textfile' format. Required: no Supported values: orcfile, refile, sequencefile, textfile Default value: textfile |
target.paths |
The directory with which to place the imported data. It is required for an 'hdfs' job, optional for a 'hive' job, and not valid for an 'hcat' job. For a 'hive' job, either specify this or the 'target.table' parameter but not both. Required: no Supported values: string Default value: The value of property 'mapred.output.dir' |
num.mappers |
The number of mappers for the import job. It is also the number of splits the Hortonworks Connector will attempt to create. Required: no Supported values: an integer greater than 0 Default value: 2 |
source.query |
The SQL query to select data from a Teradata database; either specify this or the 'source.table' parameter, but not both. Required: no Supported values: The select SQL query (Teradata database supported) |
source.table |
The name of the source table in a Teradata system from which the data is imported. Either specify this or the 'source.query' parameter, but not both. Required: no Supported values: string |
source.field.names |
The names of columns to import from the source table in a Teradata system, in comma-separated format. The order of the source field names must match exactly the order of the target field names for schema mapping. This parameter must be present when the 'target.field.names' parameter is specified. If not specified, then all columns from the source table will be retrieved. Required: no Supported values: string |
target.table |
The name of the target table in Hive or HCatalog. It is required with an 'hcat' job, optional with a 'hive' job, and not valid with an 'hdfs' job. For a 'hive' job, either specify this parameter or the 'target.paths' parameter, but not both. Required: no Supported values: string |
target.field.names |
The names of fields to write to the target file in HDFS, or to the target Hive or HCatalog table, in comma separated format. The order of the target field names must match exactly the order of the source field names for schema mapping. This parameter must be provided when the 'source.field.names' parameter is specified. Required: no Supported values: string |
Driven by the imported columns |
batch.size |
The number of rows a Hortonworks Connector fetches each time from the Teradata system, up to a 1 MB buffer size limit. Required: no Supported values: an integer greater than 0 Default value: 10000 |
separator |
The field separator to use with the imported files. This parameter is only applicable with the 'textfile' file format. Required: no Supported values: string Default value: \t |
| |
The name of a table column to be used for splitting import tasks. It is optional with the '' and '' methods, and not valid with the '' method. If this parameter is not specified, the first column of the table’s primary key or primary index will be used. Required: no Supported values: a valid table column name |
Connector Export Options
All option names below are prefixed by "teradata.db.output." when specified
in the configuration files or in the -D
command line option.
For example, target.table
is specified as
Connector Export Option (teradata.db.output.* ) |
Description | Overrriding Sqoop Option |
target.table |
The name of the target table in a Teradata system. Required: yes Supported values: string |
source.paths |
The directory of to-be exported source files in HDFS. It is required for an 'hdfs' job, optional with a 'hive' job, and not valid with an 'hcat' job. For a 'hive' job, either specify this or the 'source.table' parameter but not both. Required: no Supported values: string |
num.mappers |
The maximum number of output mapper tasks. If the value is zero, then the number of mappers will be the same as the number of file blocks in HDFS. Use either this parameter or 'num.reducers', but not both. Required: no Supported values: an integer greater than or equal to zero Default value: 2 |
target.field.names |
The names of fields to export to the target table in a Teradata system, in comma-separated format. The order of the target field names must match the order of the source field names for schema mapping. This parameter must be provided when the 'source.field.names' parameter is specified. Required: no Supported values: string |
separator |
The separator of fields in the source to-be-exported files. This parameter is only valid with 'textfile' file format. Required: no Supported values: string Default value: \t |
Connector-specific Extra Arguments
The Hortonworks connector for Teradata has the following connector-specific extra arguments:
Type of Argument | Argument | Description |
Common Options |
jobtype | The job type: hdfs, hive or hcat. | |
fileformat | File format: sequencefile, textfile, avrofile, orcfile or refile. Default is textfile. | |
usexview | Use X views for metadata queries. (X views take security into consideration.) | |
stagedatabase | Database to use for creating stage tables. | |
stagetablename | Stage table name to use; if blank, a default name is generated. | |
batchsize | Fetch size or insert batch size. | |
queryband | Query band for the session. | |
Import-specific Options | numpartitionshating | Number of partitions to be created in the staging table. |
method | One of{value | hash | partition | amp} | |
accesslock | Row lock is used for fetching rows. | |
avroschemafile | Avro schema file for Avro imports. | |
targettableschema | Schema for the partitioning columns. Needed when Hive table is to be created. | |
targetpartitionschema | Schema for the partitioning columns. Needed when Hive table is to be created. | |
targetfieldnames | Field names for the target fields. Needed when Hive table is to be created. | |
Export Options | sourcetableschema | Schema for the source hive table. |
sourcepartitionschema | Schema for the partitioning columns. | |
sourcefieldnames | Field names for the source fields to export. | |
fastloadsockethost | Host for Fastload exports. | |
fastloadsocketport | Port for the Fastload exports. | |
fastloadsockettimeout | Timeout for the Fastload export operation. | |
errortablename | Error table name for use with Fast load. | |
keepstagetable | Keep stage table after export. ( If not present, stage table is dropped after export.) | |
forcestage | Force creation of a stage table. |
1.6.3 Connector Release Content
Data Transfer
i. Import table from Teradata method:,,, internal.fastexport
ii. Import query from Teradata method:
iii. Export to empty/non-empty Teradata table method: batch.insert, internal.fastload
i. Import data from HDFS
ii. Export data to HDFS
Import data from Hive table
Export data to Hive table
1) Create non-existing Hive table.
2) Add partitions to existing Hive table.
i. Import data from HCat not supported
ii. Export data to HCat not supported
Schema Mapping
All fields (columns)
Selected fields (columns)
Null / not null values
Data type conversions
Data format conversions
Remote Execution
Data Types
Teradata Data Types
NUMBER (n,m)
CHAR (n)
TIME (n)
BYTE (n) (See Limitations)
VARBYTE (n) (See Limitations)
BLOB (See Limitations)
CLOB (See Limitations)
ARRAY (See Limitations)
Hive Data Types
MAP (See Limitations)
ARRAY (See Limitations)
STRUCT (See Limitations)
Avro Data Types
RECORDS (See Limitations)
ENUMS (See Limitations)
MAPS (See Limitations)
ARRAYS (See Limitations)
UNIONS (See Limitations)
FIXED (See Limitations)
Parquet Data Types
DOUBLE (See Limitations)
BINARY (See Limitations)
TIMESTAMP (See limitations)
File Storage Format
HDFS: TextFile, AvroFile
Hive: SequenceFile
Parquet (See Limitations)
Import -> Hive/HDFS
i. Intermediate (always Snappy)
ii. Output: Snappy, LZO, GZip, BZip2
Export -> Teradata: Only Snappy intermediate compression
Character Sets: ASCII, UTF8, UTF16
Included features in the 1.6.3 release
TDCH-1790: Upgrade TDJDBC jar from to
Included features in the 1.6.2 release
TDCH-1768: Queryband Parameter support in Data Mover workflows
Included features in the 1.6.1 release
TDCH-1480: Hive Decimal data type support for Parquet
TDCH-1753: Add more diagnostics messages to internal.fastexport and internal.fastload methods
TDCH-1747: Provide emptytablecheck option to disable empty source table check
Included features in the 1.6.0 release
TDCH-1727: Implement Orc File Format schema changes.
TDCH-1732: Change configureOozie script for HDP 3.0
Included features in the 1.5.5 release
TDCH-1697: Upgraded TDJDBC to 16.20 from 16.10
TDCH-1471: Add ability to define staging tables/views in different database
TDCH-1327: Support Avro with Hive
Included features in the 1.5.4 release
TDCH-1669: Upgraded TDJDBC to 16.10 from 16.00
TDCH-1671: Added tdch installation scripts from the teradata-hadoop-builder to TDCH rpm
Included features in the 1.5.3 release
TDCH-1099: Update TD wallet to version 16.10
TDCH-1527: Implement exception logging for Export
TDCH-1552: Add new Oozie workflows to configureOozie script for TD Studio
Included features in the 1.5.2 release
TDCH-1153: Support JDBC Unicode Passthrough for TD DB 16.00+
TDCH-1285: Add Compression capability into TDCH
TDCH-1352: Add command-line argument (upt) for Unicode Passthrough parameter
TDCH-1402: Add new JDBC driver JAR to support Teradata Database 16.00
TDCH-1435: Address ResourceManager HA for TDCH jobs using Oozie
TDCH-1489: Modify calls to HiveMetaStoreClient class to provide support in future versions of Hive
Included features in the 1.5.0 release
TDCH-1356: Extend configureOozie to support MapR 4.x
TDCH-1292: configureOozie script has been modified to copy needed jars from HDFS instead of from local system for HDP 2.x
TDCH-1269: Add the ability to truncate the Teradata table on export to Teradata
TDCH-922: TDCH support for distributed JDBC FastExport
TDCH-717: Support for Hive CHAR type
TDCH-715: Support for Hive BINARY type
TDCH-701: TDCH support for Hive Parquet file format
TDCH-528: Support for Hive VARCHAR type
TDCH-443: Add JSON support between Teradata and Hadoop
TDCH-442: Add XML support between Teradata and Hadoop
TDCH-332: Support for Hive DATA type
Included features in the 1.4.3 release
TDCH-1199: Improve performance of retrieving table partitions for
TDCH-1161: Add support for conversion from TD TIME to Hive TIMESTAMP on import
TDCH-1133: Add TDCH argument to use INSERT OVERWRITE instead of INSERT INTO to overwrite the data that is already in the hive table during an import
TDCH-1044: Make datablocksize tunable for TD staging tables
Included features in the 1.4.2 release
TDCH-1059: Have configureOozie utilize latest certified configuration for non-cert'd platforms (IE use CDH 5.4 config for CDH 5.5)
TDCH-870: Extend mapper throttle functionality to support retry/timeout
TDCH-360: Update TDCH Tutorial to reflect TDCH 1.3.x architecture
Included features in the 1.4.1 release
TDCH-947: Extend configureOozie script to assign default ports for Resource Manager based on distribution.
TDCH-905: Extend user defined converters to remove package requirement
TDCH-848: Batch.insert to support preemption
TDCH-615: Provide users with a mechanism to signal that TDCH should error out when CHAR/VARCHAR truncation occurs
Included features in the 1.4.0 release
TDCH-861: Workflows generated by configureOozie script support HA and Kerberos enabled clusters
TDCH-836: TDCH jobs only use slots available for the given queue when new '-throttlemappers true' argument is supplied
TDCH-729: Support Hive RCFile tables which utilize the non-default RCFile serde
TDCH-331: Support for the Hive Decimal datatype
TDCH-298: Merge all distribution-specific TDCH jars into two hadoop-specific TDCH jars (hadoop1.x / hadoop2.x)
Included features in the 1.3.4 release
a) TDCH jobs can use credential information from Teradata Wallet
b) Support for Kerberos-enabled clusters
c) Users can define database where internal.fastload error tables reside via -errortabledatabase command line parameter or tdch.output.teradata.error.table.database
d) can be run against views (will utilize spool)
Included features in the 1.3.1 release
a) RPM based distribution with support for multiple TDCH installations in both the Linux filesystem and in HDFS
Included features in the 1.3 release
a) Change the name/package of the tool class, and the old name may be deprecated in a future release.
b) Support new plugin architecture, see section 5.0 for more information.
c) Add -errorlimit parameter to support error data check for internal.fastload job. If the number of error rows exceeds the specified value, the job will fail.
d) Support data format conversion of String type when DATE/TIME/TIMESTAMP data type conversions are involved.
e) Enhance logic to classify internal.fastload job as JDBC job classified by TASM rule.
Included features in the 1.2 release
a) Support various URI schema path specification for Avro schema file and Hive configuration file.
b) Support Teradata 14.0 Number data type.
c) Support Teradata 14.10 Extended Object Names. With Teradata 14.10, object names can have up to and including 128 characters. Nearly the complete repertoire of Unicode characters are allowed in an object name. (See Limitations)
d) Display the current TDCH version number in console output.
Included features in the 1.1 release
a) Add ORC file format support.
b) Add Avro file format support.
Included features in the 1.0.10 release
a) Add -numpartitionsinstaging parameter for method to specify different partition number from mapper number.
b) Report exception for unrecognized parameters.
Included features in the 1.0.9b release
a) Add -usexviews parameter for users that do not have system view and table accessing privileges.
Included features in the 1.0.9 release
a) Provide the progress report of job for internal.fastload method.
b) Record the output of job client into an HDFS file. (For Studio Integration)
Included features in the 1.0.8 release
a) Support importing data into existing non empty partitions of hive partitioned table.
b) Add -queryband parameter to support session level query band.
c) Add the following data types support for partition column: TINYINT,
d) Support more characters in string value of a partition column of hive table,(e.g., '%', ':', '/', '#'). (see section 8.1 for not-supported characters)
e) Allow user to specify error table name prefix in internal.fastload method. User can provide a name as error table name's prefix with -errortablename parameter.
f) Add -keepstagetable parameter. If the parameter is set to true, the staging table will be kept when export job fails during inserting data from staging table to target table.
Included features in the 1.0.7 release
a) Add -accesslock parameter for importing data from Teradata to improve concurrency. If the parameter is set to true, the import job will not be blocked by other concurrent accesses against the same table.
b) Add the support for importing data into non existing partitions of an existing hive partitioned table.
c) Allow a Hive configuration file path to be specified by the -hiveconf parameter, so the connector can access it in either HDFS or a local file System. This feature would enable users to run hive import/export jobs on any node of a Hadoop cluster (see section 8.3)
d) After Teradata 14.10 release, import method is supported. (see section 7.1(d))
Included features in the 1.0.6 release
a) Add the support for user specified text format parameters including: escapedby, enclosedby, nullstring and nullnonstring(see section 9.4).
b) Add the support for using a non-printing character as the field|line separator(see section 9.5)
Included features in the 1.0.1 - 1.0.5 releases
a) Add import method
b) Add import method
Included features in the 1.0.0 release
a) Support remote execution by Templeton and Oozie
b) Support quoting reserved words and non-standard ASCII characters in Teradata database/table/column names
c) Support Hive Map, Array and Struct data type
d) Import to existing Hive table
e) Create new Hive table at end of import (if table does not exist)
f) Import to Hive partitioned tables
g) Export from Hive partitioned tables
h) Retrieve automatically Hive table's metadata
Included features in the 0.80 release
a) Schema mapping and type conversion with import and export
b) Import to Hive RCFile, SequenceFile, TextFile storage format
c) Import to HCatalog table with RCFile, SequenceFile, TextFile storage format
d) Import to Hive partitioned files
e) Export from Hive RCFile, SequenceFile, TextFile storage format
f) Export from HCatalog table with RCFile, SequenceFile,TextFile storage format
g) Export from Hive partitioned files
Included features in the 0.40 - 0.50 releases
a) Use TeradataCombineFileInputFormat to limit number of map tasks
Included features in the 0.30 release
a) JDBC Internal Fastload implementation
Included features in the 0.20 - 22 releases
a) Insert HDFS delimited text file into Teradata database table via JDBC Fastload
b) Move table data or select query results from Teradata database into HDFS
c) Insert HDFS delimited text file into Teradata database table via JDBC Batch Insert
Problems Fixed in the Release
Included fixes in the 1.6.2 release
TDCH-1780: Customer Specific Issue
TDCH-1785: Customer Specific Issue
T/DCH-1776: A Socket exception on data sessions do not terminate the load - as it should
Included fixes in the 1.6.1 release
TDCH-1762: Conflicting usage of temporary MapR directory by TDCH
TDCH-1758: Removal of assert statements in TDCH source code
TDCH-1635: TDCH installation( script fails on kerberos enabled cluster
TDCH-1633: Implement alternate behavior for input source table empty
Included fixes in the 1.6.0 release
TDCH-1730: Fix Error: java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "true"
TDCH-1729: Fix : java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.hadoop.hive.common.type.Timestamp
TDCH-1723: ClassCastException: org.apache.hadoop.hive.common.type.Timestamp cannot be cast to java.sql.Timestamp
TDCH-1721: Avro Tests failed with Managed Avro table has externally defined schema.
TDCH-1720: Export from Hive Managed table to TD table failing on HDP 3.0
TDCH-1711: tool.ConnectorExportTool: com.teradata.connector.common.exception.ConnectorException
TDCH-1708: Error: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Compression codec com.hadoop.compression.lzo.LzoCodec was not found.
TDCH-1707: Error: java.lang.ClassCastException: java.sql.Date cannot be cast to org.apache.hadoop.hive.common.type.Date
TDCH-1706: java.lang.ClassCastException: java.sql.Timestamp cannot be cast to org.apache.hadoop.hive.common.type.Timestamp
TDCH-1701: [HDP] TDCH install failing on HDP 3.0 Bug
TDCH-1705: Fix internal.fastload method issues on HDP 3.0
Included fixes in the 1.5.5 release
TDCH-1691: Precision is lost while importing the time stamp data from Teradata to Hadoop
TDCH-1689: TDCH job fails to export data from Hadoop when ORC and internal.fastload used
TDCH-1688: TDCH job fails if there are zero number of rows to be copied from Teradata to Hive
TDCH-1685: Compression is not applied for the target hive table for Parquet
TDCH-1683: Error during import Parquet into already existing Hive table with TDCH
TDCH-1677: TDCH failed to export Hive ORC format table with date format
TDCH-1676: TDCH jobs configured to load a Teradata table with a TIMESTAMP(6) and TIME(0)
column fail to define their import statement correctly
TDCH-1652: Remove dependency of "serialization.format"
TDCH-1649: TDCH should Filter out unsupported Unicode characters with TD 15.10
TDCH-1634: script fails with GSS initiate failed
TDCH-1630: Multiple input paths separated by commas can fail
Included fixes in the 1.5.4 release
TDCH-1452: TDCH job fails if we have Hive table with 'field.delim'='\\'
TDCH-1556: Make sure that the column order is returned exactly from td while create table in hive.
TDCH-1580: Hive BOOLEAN TO TERADATA BYTEINT gives NULL values always.
TDCH-1651: With TD 15.10 internal.fastexport failing when two conditions are in sql query
TDCH-1655: updated to copy jars from atlas directory for latest hdp versions.
TDCH-1678: JDBC upgraded to 16.10 then TDCH internal.fastload with queryband test failed
TDCH-1679: failed on cdh when hive path not found
TDCH-1680: Update to work for Mapr 6.0
TDCH-1656: [HDP] Integrate new rmHA command-line argument into any installation scripts that use TDCH and
TDCH-1657: [CDH] Integrate new rmHA command-line argument into any installation scripts that use TDCH and
Included fixes in the 1.5.3 release
TDCH-1442: with VARCHAR column has problems with string conversions from BigDecimal
TDCH-1487: AVRO from HDFS into Teradata - silently succeeded with truncated data
TDCH-1533: TDCH silently succeeds with wrong values while using HDFS export for non-bounded NUMERIC data type in target (Teradata DB)
Included fixes in the 1.5.2 release
TDCH-685: Internal.fastload export jobs with target tables that include VARCHAR cols with length >= 64k result in SQLException
TDCH-1398: Timestamp giving trimmed output while using Import tool with idatastream method
TDCH-1401: VARBYTE and BYTES doesn't export or import VARBYTES when using Avro
TDCH-1433: Modify the failing early when no data exists in table to successfully exit
TDCH-1434: FLOAT values in "-sourcerecordschema" causing exception
TDCH-1436: Decimal data type is being converted to scientific notation with importing into HDFS
TDCH-1451: Parquet import not working with method for NULL VARCHAR values
TDCH-1454: Modify internal.fastload method to handle varying fractional seconds in target table
TDCH-1465: ORC import giving NULL value instead of expected 0 length with method for 0 length VARCHAR values
Included fixes in the 1.5.1 release
TDCH-1410: Remove 0 length files before transferring from HDFS to Hive during import into Hive
TDCH-1399: Parquet fixes for HDP2.5
Included fixes in the 1.5.0 release
TDCH-1272: TDCH Hive table creating disregards empty nullstring values
TDCH-1261: does not transfer data when numMappers == 1
TDCH-1259: TDCH gives index out of bounds for string to timestamp export if timeformat uses more than 3 digits in nanoseconds
TDCH-1369: exception when number of mappers is 1 and TD table is not partitioned
Included fixes in the 1.4.4 release
TDCH-1260: Update configureOozie to support HDP 2.4
TDCH-1245: Timestamp to timestamp support for nanoseconds
Included fixes in the 1.4.3 release
TDCH-1176: Failure with when using ANSI transaction mode
TDCH-860: TDCH doesn't support separators with backslash characters
TDCH-816: should utilize first column in table whentable is NOPI and nummappers > 1
TDCH-789: Import method quietly overridden when using sourcequery option
TDCH-742: Null pointer exception thrown when column names that includespaces are double quoted in targettableschema value
TDCH-577: Method used for map tasks to connect to client forinternal.fastload can pick wrong address
Included fixes in the 1.4.2 release
TDCH-1096: Avro union to decimal conversions result in data corruption
TDCH-689: String to Timestamp(6) conversions lose nanosecond precision
TDCH-550: TDCH utilizes deprecated sun.* classes
TDCH-296: utilizes staging table even when source table is partitioned
Included fixes in the 1.4.1 release
TDCH-934: Task fails with connection reset when launching jobs with 300 mappers
TDCH-923: Oozie based TDCH jobs fail with class not found exception on HDP 2.3
TDCH-908: Epoch to DATE conversion doesn't take daylight savings into account
TDCH-903: ORC imports fail on HDP 2.3 (resolved by Hortonworks BUG-42834)
TDCH-775: User-defined converters with zero-arg constructors cause 'cant find matching constructor' exceptions
Included fixes in the 1.4.0 release
TDCH-872: Empty columns in hdfs files are now treated as nulls
instead of empty strings
TDCH-827: Failed insert/select during internal.fastload jobs now
return non-zero error code
TDCH-759: ConfigureOozie script support for MapR
TDCH-754: Jobclientoutput argument support for maprfs
TDCH-692: Unrecognized command line arguments now displayed in error message
TDCH-686: String to Decimal conversions no longer result in data corruption
TDCH-680: Split column no longer needed for jobs using or and a single mapper
Included fixes in the 1.3.4 release
TDCH-726: Reading ORC tables with Timestamp columns no longer ends in String cannot be cast to Timestamp exception
TDCH-720: TDCH returns non-zero error code after throwing unsupported datatype exception
TDCH-700: TDCH no longer fails to compile with JDK 8
TDCH-697: Multiple calls to TeradataInternalFastloadRecordWriter.close() no longer cause empty batch exceptions
TDCH-616: Speculative execution is properly disabled in Hadoop 2.x
TDCH-598: Null values in Time and Timestamp columns no longer cause null pointer exceptions
TDCH-510: Avro jars no longer required when reading/writing textfiles in HDFS
TDCH-256: .template files now reference TDCH 1.3.x config names
Included fixes in the 1.3.3 release
TDCH-519: TDCH jobs using the internal.fastload method that attempt to export to a table already having so many rows that the row count cannot be stored in a 32-bit two's complement integer no longer result in a numeric overflow error.
TDCH-515: TDCH jobs will not experience a slow logon to the Teradata Database issue that was causing jobs to stall more than 30 seconds before beginning to send data.
TDCH-427: The diagnostic message printed when the Teradata output postprocessor routine starts is correctly labeled as coming from the "output postprocessor".
TDCH-420: TDCH will attempt to run internal.fastload jobs where the user specified number of mappers exceeds the value returned by ClusterStatus.getMaxMapTasks().
TDCH-419: TDCH jobs no longer erroneously fail claiming that the names of error tables or staging tables are too long.
TDCH-342: TDCH jobs that export from a hive table partitioned by a date column no longer result in a NullPointerException.
TDCH-335: TDCH internal.fastload jobs that attempt to load LOB values produce an appropriate error message.
TDCH-314: An error message regarding the reason for a job failure will be output even in the case that an error also occurs during job cleanup.
TDCH-289: TDCH internal.fastload jobs no longer fail with IllegalArgumentException on MapR 3.1, HA enabled clusters.
TDCH-288: Teradata Database logon information is not visible via the job_conf.xml file.
TDCH-273: Reading from hdfs files with blank columns no longer results in IndexOutOfBoundsExceptions.
Included fixes in the 1.3.2 release
TDCH-353: Conversions from Timestamp with Timezone to long (and vice versa) return incorrect values
TDCH-352: Exports from hive tables with binary columns backed by rcfiles fail with class cast exception
TDCH-309: ConfigurationMappingUtils doesn't overwrite values
TDCH-307: FileNotFoundException thrown when hive table exists
TDCH-306: Avro schema file required
TDCH-305: Nulls in avro files get converted to empty strings
TDCH-303: Issue with escapecharacter / nullstring
TDCH-302: Issue with nullnonstring
TDCH-287: Export hive tables partitioned by smallint cols fails with ClassCastException
TDCH-286: Data corruption when exporting float cols from hive rctable in HDP 2.0
TDCH-255: Import to partitioned hcat table causes output directory already exists error
Included fixes in the 1.3.1 release
TDCH-295: fails when nummappers > num physical parts
TDCH-281: NoSuchObjectException thrown when hive table does not exist
TDCH-277: Data corruption when exporting hive table backed by rcfile
TDCH-266: Fix TIME/TIMESTAMP w/ TZ NULL support; don't try to parse empty TIME/TIMESTAMP w/ TZ strings
Included fixes in the 1.3 release
a) Remove hidden 'teradata.db.custom_parse' parameter to make the logic of csv handling simple.
Included fixes in the 1.2.1 release
a) Fix error with encrypted data by updating JDBC version from to
b) Add "sel" keyword support for source query.
c) Fix incorrect return value of internal.fastload job when importing hive table is empty.
d) Fix the bug that "-nummappers" parameter doesn't take effect when exporting Avro file format.
Included fixes in the 1.2 release
a) Provide meaningful error messages for NPE (Null Pointer Exception), when the -targetpaths parameter is missing in a HDFS import job.
b) Fix dead lock issues caused by open JDBC control session when internal.fastload job fails.
c) Send keep-alive message between job client and finished mappers to avoid socket connection being killed by firewall.
Included fixes in the 1.1.1 release
a) Fix RCFile SerDe incompatibility between TDCH1.1 and Hive0.12.
b) Fix support of BLOB data type in HDFS text file format for import jobs.
Included fixes in the 1.1 release
a) Modified the logic which checks if a Teradata target table is empty for export methods.
b) Modified the staging/error table naming logic to prevent duplicate table names generated when multiple concurrent jobs.
c) Modified the logic which gets current user name for a Hive job, to prevent invalid path generated in a secure Hadoop environment.
Included fixes in the 1.0.10 release
a) Incorrect nullable property setting of a column selected from a source query.
b) Ambiguous table name reference for Teradata metadata tables or views.
c) JDBC 14.10 incompatible problem.
Included fixes in the 1.0.9b release
a) The special characters of Regex cannot be included in separator parameter.
Included fixes in the 1.0.9a release
a) The characters presented by Unicode format cannot be included in separator parameter, such as '\u001a'.
Included fixes in the 1.0.9 release
a) Ambiguous partition column reference for method.
Included fixes in the 1.0.8 release
a) Unified case-sensitivity checking for all parameters. Please see section 5.3.
b) A partition columns mismatch issue for query based import job. This problem occurs when following conditions are satisfied:
1) A source query is provided for importing data from Teradata to Hadoop.
2) Specified source fields and target fields are subset of the selected columns of the query.
3) Source and target field names for schema mapping are provided.
c) Inappropriate warning reported for export job failure caused by inserting into target table from staging table.
d) The error tables generated by internal fastload are not correctly dropped at the end of job.
e) Incorrect process of redundant white space(more than one adjacent white space, white space between column definition and comma, etc.)
in user provided hive table and partition schema option.(Temporarily do not support redundant white space in complex types definition)
f) Fix unexpected syntax error when adding partitions to existing hive table with hive table's database specified.
Included fixes in the 1.0.7 release
a) Inappropriate exceptions reported from a query-based import job.
Only the method supports a query as an import
source. A proper exception will be thrown if a non
import job is issued with the "sourcequery" parameter.
b) One gets an error when the user account used to start Templeton is different from the user account used by Templeton to run a connector job.
c) A time-out issue for large data import jobs. In the case of a large-size data import, the Teradata database may need a long time to produce the results in a spool table before the subsequent data transfer. If this exceeds the time-out limitation of a mapper before the data transfer starts, the mapper would be killed.
With this fix, the mapper would be kept alive instead.
d) A timeout issue for export jobs using internal.fastload. The internal.fastload export method requires synchronization of all mappers at the end of their execution.
If one mapper finishes its data transfer earlier than some others, it has to wait for other mappers to complete their work. If the wait exceeds the time-out of an idle task, the mapper would be killed by its task tracker. With this fix, that mapper would be kept alive instead.
e) Fix the limitation that the user should have authorization to create local directory while executing Hive job on one node without Hive configuration (hive-site.xml) file. Before the bug fixing, the TDCH need to copy the file from HDFS to local file system.
f) Case-sensitivity problems with the following parameters: "-jobtype", "-fileformat", and "-method". With this fix, values of these parameters do not have to case-sensitive any more.
g) Incorrect delimiters used by an export job for Hive tables in RCFileFormat.
Included fixes in the 1.0.6 release
a) Hive table owner attribute for an import job was not set properly
b) JDBC URL CHARSET set to lower case utf8/utf16 gets the exception character set not supported by JDBC driver
c) Issues with column name case sensitivity cause the exception field name is not found in schema
d) Incorrect calculation of target table column count for a Hive export job with source table schema and source partition schema gets the exception source and target field count are different
e) getListTableSQL() returns not only tables but also views
Included fixes in the 1.0.5 release
a) Cannot load data into a non-default Hive database
Included fixes in the 1.0.1 - 1.0.4 releases
a) New methods do not support where condition
b) BLOB import gets an "String cannot be cast to [B" exception
c) Make TeradataConnection's getCurrentDatabase() public
d) Columns with Period and Interval data type gets an data type not convertible exception
e) Exit code exceeds Linux 0-255 value limit
f) partition.stage method is renamed to to be consistent with new import method naming
g) No data is imported into Hive table with more than one partition columns
h) imports only subset of rows
Included fixes in the 1.0.0 release
a) Error attempting to run with HDFS job type and RCFile format
b) Cannot auto get values for fastload socket host and socket port
c) num.partitions, combined.file.num.splits, num.mappers are confusing and not intuitive
d) Fastload job id output is not consistent
e) Interval, BLOB, CLOB and Binary data type gets an inconvertible data type error
Included fixes in the 0.50 release
a) count(*) on table is returning numeric overflow when row count exceeds INTEGER_MAX
b) Internal Fastload mapper times out when one mapper finishes much earlier than others
c) Configuration parameters are in multiple classes
d) Use TeradataObjectArrayWritable to support different type of file formats
e) Inconsistent naming convention for classes
f) CombineInputFormat's overflown block splits are non-local
Included fixes in the 0.40 - 0.45 releases
a) Staging table name contains null when query is provided to TeradataInputFormat
b) Does not import when field count is 0
c) Multiple Fastload does not support fully qualified table name
d) Batch size is not set properly
e) Improved logging and error handling
f) Split sql is using partition in where clause, should use PI column
g) InputFormat key and value is reversed
Included fixes in the 0.30 - 0.32 releases
a) Null values in HDFS file cause PreparedStatement insert exception
b) StageTablePrefix is changed to StageTableSuffix
c) Writable moved to samples program
Included fixes in the 0.20 - 0.22 releases
a) Use generic Writable interface in TeradataInputFormat and TeradataOutputFormat
b) TeradataOutputFormat supports usage in both mappers and reducers
c) Stage table names exceed 30-character limit of JDBC Fastload
d) Concurrent database insert sessions blocked each other until explicit commit
e) Proper clean up of inserts by failed mapper/reducer task attempts
Performance Enhancements in the Release
Include performance enhancements in the 1.5.0 release
TDCH-1020: Modify Teradata/Hive plug-ins to fail early in certain circumstances
Included performance enhancements in the 1.0.0 - 1.0.4 releases
With and, staging is no longer required with import methods no longer require staging when import source table is already a PPI table.
Included performance enhancements in the 0.50 release
Determine how to parse objects from database metadata
Included performance enhancements in the 0.40 - 0.45 releases
InputFormat Split SQL query on PI instead of on partition
Add TeradataAsciiTextParser for faster parsing
Initialize Writable only once for TeradataTextWritable4FL
Included performance enhancements in the 0.30 - 0.32 releases
Skip staging when output method is batch.insert and target table is NOPI table
Skip staging when output method is internal.fastload and target table is fastloadable