Also available as:
Export Resource-Based Policies
Export Resource-Based Policies for a Specific Service

To export the policies for a specific service (HBase, YARN, etc):

  1. From the Access Manager page, click the Export icon beside the service:

    The Export Policy page opens.

  2. Click the Export button.

  3. The file downloads in your browser as a JSON file.

    If you wish to export in Excel or CSV format, export the policies from the Reports page dropdown menu.

Export All Resource-Based Policies for All Services

To export all policies for all services (HBase, YARN, etc):

  • From the Access Manager page:

    1. Click the Export button:

      The Export Policy page opens.

    2. Remove components or specific services and click Export.

    3. The file downloads in your browser as a JSON file.

      If you wish to export in Excel or CSV format, export the policies from the Reports page dropdown menu.

  • From the Reports page:

    1. Apply filters before exporting file.

    2. Open the Export drop-down menu:

    3. Select the file format.

      The file downloads in your browser.