Hadoop High Availability
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Complete the following prerequisites:

  • Make sure that you have a working ZooKeeper service. If you had an Ambari deployed HDP cluser with ZooKeeper, you can use that. If not, deploy ZooKeeper using the instructions provided in the Non-Ambari Cluster Installation Guide.


    In a typical deployment, ZooKeeper daemons are configured to run on three or five nodes. It is however acceptable to co-locate the ZooKeeper nodes on the same hardware as the HDFS NameNode and Standby Node. Many operators choose to deploy the third ZooKeeper process on the same node as the YARN ResourceManager. To achieve performance and improve isolation, Hortonworks recommends configuring the ZooKeeper nodes such that the ZooKeeper data and HDFS metadata is stored on separate disk drives.

  • Shut down your HA cluster (configured for manual failover) using the instructions provided in " Controlling HDP Services Manually," in the HDP Reference Guide.

    Currently, you cannot transition from a manual failover setup to an automatic failover setup while the cluster is running.