Upgrading HDP Manually
Also available as:

Preparing Your Cluster to Upgrade Ranger

If you are not currently using Ambari to manage your Hadoop cluster, you will need to upgrade Ranger manually to the latest version. This section describes the steps you need to follow to prepare your cluster for the Ranger upgrade.

  1. Back up the following Ranger configuration directories:

    • Ranger Policy Administration Service

    • Ranger UserSync

    • Ranger Plugins:

      • Hadoop

      • Hive

      • HBase

      • Knox

      • Storm

  2. Backup the Ranger Policy and Audit databases. Make sure to take note of the following details in the install.properties file:

    • db_host

    • db_name

    • db_user

    • db_password

    • policy manager configuration

    • LDAP directory configuration

    • LDAP settings

    • LDAP AD domain

    • LDAP URL

      mysqldump -u root -p root xasecure > dest_dir/filename.sql
      mysqldump -u root -p root xasecure_audit > dest_dir/filename.sql

Review the data in the xa_access_audit table in the Ranger Audit Database. Truncate historical data to reduce upgrading time, especially if you have a lot of data in xa_access_audit table.