Upgrading HDP Manually
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Configure Apache Phoenix

To enable global indexing and (optionally) local indexing in Apache Phoenix, complete the following steps.

  1. Add the following property to the hbase-site.xml file on all HBase nodes, the Master Server, and all Region servers, to prevent deadlocks from occurring during maintenance on global indexes:

     <description>Factory to create the Phoenix RPC Scheduler that knows to put index
     updates into index queues</description>
  2. (Optional) To use local indexing, set the following two properties. These properties ensure collocation of data table and local index regions:


    The local indexing feature is a technical preview and considered under development. Do not use this feature in your production systems. If you have questions regarding this feature, contact Support by logging a case on our Hortonworks Support Portal at http://hortonworks.com/support/.

  3. Restart the HBase Master and Region Servers.

Configuring Phoenix to Run in a Secure Cluster

Perform the following additional steps to configure Phoenix to run in a secure Hadoop cluster:

  1. To link the HBase configuration file with the Phoenix libraries:

    ln -sf HBASE_CONFIG_DIR/hbase-site.xml PHOENIX_HOME/bin/hbase-site.xml

  2. To link the Hadoop configuration file with the Phoenix libraries:

    ln -sf HADOOP_CONFIG_DIR/core-site.xml PHOENIX_HOME/bin/core-site.xml


When running the pssql.py and sqlline.py Phoenix scripts in secure mode, you can safely ignore the following warnings.

14/04/19 00:56:24 WARN util.NativeCodeLoader: 
Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... 
  using builtin-java classes where applicable
14/04/19 00:56:24 WARN util.DynamicClassLoader: Failed to identify the fs of 
dir hdfs://<HOSTNAME>:8020/apps/hbase/data/lib, ignored java.io.IOException: 
No FileSystem for scheme: hdfs