3.3. Downgrade Storm Cluster on YARN via Slider

Storm in Slider mode does not support rolling downgrade of the Storm service. It is best to stop the topology, update the client version to match the previous version, and resubmit the topology.

  1. Deactivate your currently running topology:

    storm-slider --app <cluster-name> deactivate <your-topology-name>

  2. Make sure that your topology has been deactivated:

    storm-slider --app <cluster-name> list

  3. Kill the deactivated topology, so that you can submit a new topology under the same name:

    storm-slider --app <cluster-name> kill <your-topology-name>

  4. Make sure that your topology has been killed. Note: unlike the deactivate step, which shows the status of your topology, if your topology is killed you will not see an entry for your topology.

    storm-slider --app <cluster-name> list

  5. Switch the component client's version to the previous version.

  6. Rebuild your topology jar with the new dependency. (For more information, see "Packaging Storm Topologies" in the Storm User's Guide.)

  7. Upgrade the component to the previous version.

  8. Resubmit the topology using the previous jar:

    storm-slider --app <cluster-name> jar <jar-path> <main class>

  9. Confirm that your topology is active:

    storm-slider --app <cluster-name list

If the downgrade process fails, follow the steps in "Downgrade your Cluster," starting with "Downgrade components outside of the cluster." Otherwise, continue with the next downgrade step.