8. Assign Slaves and Clients

The Ambari install wizard attempts to assign the slave components (DataNodes, NodeManagers, and RegionServers) to appropriate hosts in your cluster. It also attempts to select hosts for installing the appropriate set of clients.

  1. Use all or none to select all of the hosts in the column or none of the hosts, respectively.

    If a host has a red asterisk next to it, that host is also running one or more master components. Hover your mouse over the asterisk to see which master components are on that host.

  2. Fine-tune your selections by using the checkboxes next to specific hosts.


    As an option you can start the HBase REST server manually after the install process is complete. It can be started on any host that has the HBase Master or the Region Server installed. If you attempt to start it on the same host as the Ambari server, however, you need to start it with the -p option, as its default port is 8080 and that conflicts with the Ambari Web default port.

    /usr/lib/hbase/bin/hbase-daemon.sh start rest -p <custom_port_number>

  3. When you are satisfied with your assignments, click the Next button.