3.2.1. Prerequisites

To configure local repositories for HDP deployment, your system must meet the following minimum requirements:

  • Your mirror server host must run on one of the following operating systems:

    • 64-bit Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) v5.x, v6.x

    • 64-bit CentOS v5.x, v6.x

    • 64-bit SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 11 SP1

    • 64-bit Oracle Linux v5.x, v6.x

    Ensure that this server and the cluster nodes are all running the same OS.


    Repository mirroring for heterogeneous clusters requires a more complex procedure than the one documented here.

  • The mirror server host must have several GB of storage available.

  • The firewall lets all cluster nodes (the servers where you want to install HDP) access this server.

  • Ensure that the mirror server has yum installed.

  • Add the yum-utils and createrepo packages on the mirror server.

    yum install yum-utils createrepo
  • If your mirror host uses SLES, execute the following command to install the required packages:

    zypper -n --no-gpg-checks install apache2 apache2-prefork apache2-utils python-curl python-gobject2 python-gpgme python-urlgrabber python-iniparse wget curl yum-metadata-parser yum yum-updatesd yum-utils createrepo