Ambari Managed HDF Upgrade
Also available as:

Upgrading NiFi

Update the HDF base URL

  1. From Ambari, go to Manage Versions and update the HDF base URL. See the HDF Release Notes for the HDF base URL appropriate for your Operating System.

    For example:
  2. Verify that /etc/yum.repo.d/ambari-hdp-2.repo has the updated HDF base URL. If it does not, manually edit this file to set the correct base URL.

On each host running NiFi, perform the following NiFi upgrade steps

  1. Confirm the current NiFi components and version. For example:

    [root@host registry]# yum list installed | grep nifi
  2. Display the current version associated with each component. For example:

    [root@host registry]# hdf-select status | grep nifi
    nifi -
    nifi-registry - None
  3. Install binaries for the HDF services you want to upgrade.

    See the HDF Release Notes for the repository information, including service version and build number.

    [root@host ~]# yum install -y nifi_3_1_1_0_<build-number>*

    Only run the yum install command on Ambari Agent hosts where NiFi is already installed.

  4. Ensure that no NiFi processes are present on your cluster nodes:

    ps aux | grep nifi
  5. If processes are still running, execute the following and ensure that no processes are available:

    "export JAVA_HOME=/usr/jdk64/{YOUR_JAVA_VERSION};/usr/hdf/current/nifi/bin/ stop >> /var/log/nifi/nifi-setup.log"

    Where YOUR_JAVA_VERSION is the Java version you are running on your HDF cluster nodes.

  6. Use hdf-select to ensure that you have created the appropriate links to the new NiFi installation:

    [root@host ~]# hdf-select set nifi<build-number>
  7. Confirm that hdf-select displays the new HDF service versions. For example:

    [root@host ~]# hdf-select status | grep<build-number>
    nifi -<build-number>