User Guide
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Configure Site-to-Site client NiFi instance

Remote Process Group: In order to communicate with a remote NiFi instance via Site-to-Site, simply drag a Remote Process Group onto the canvas and enter the URL of the remote NiFi instance (for more information on the components of a Remote Process Group, see Remote Process Group Transmission section of this guide.) The URL is the same URL you would use to go to that instance's User Interface. At that point, you can drag a connection to or from the Remote Process Group in the same way you would drag a connection to or from a Processor or a local Process Group. When you drag the connection, you will have a chance to choose which Port to connect to. Note that it may take up to one minute for the Remote Process Group to determine which ports are available.

If the connection is dragged starting from the Remote Process Group, the ports shown will be the Output Ports of the remote group, as this indicates that you will be pulling data from the remote instance. If the connection instead ends on the Remote Process Group, the ports shown will be the Input Ports of the remote group, as this implies that you will be pushing data to the remote instance.

If the remote instance is configured to use secure data transmission, you will see only ports that you are authorized to communicate with. For information on configuring NiFi to run securely, see the System Administrator's Guide.

Transport Protocol: On a Remote Process Group creation or configuration dialog, you can choose Transport Protocol to use for Site-to-Site communication as shown in the following image:

By default, it is set to RAW which uses raw socket communication using a dedicated port. HTTP transport protocol is especially useful if the remote NiFi instance is in a restricted network that only allow access through HTTP(S) protocol or only accessible from a specific HTTP Proxy server. For accessing through a HTTP Proxy Server, BASIC and DIGEST authentication are supported.

Local Network Interface: In some cases, it may be desirable to prefer one network interface over another. For example, if a wired interface and a wireless interface both exist, the wired interface may be preferred. This can be configured by specifying the name of the network interface to use in this box. If the value entered is not valid, the Remote Process Group will not be valid and will not communicate with other NiFi instances until this is resolved.