Administering Ambari
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Download the Ambari repository on Amazon Linux 2

To install Ambari agents, first download the Ambari repository to a host in your cluster.

On a server host that has Internet access, use a command line editor to do the following steps.
  1. Log in to your host as root.
  2. Download the Ambari repository file to a directory on your installation host.
    wget -nv -O /etc/yum.repos.d/ambari.repo
    Do not modify the ambari.repo file name. This file is expected to be available on the Ambari Server host during Agent registration.
  3. Confirm that the repository is configured by checking the repo list.
    yum repolist
    You should see values for Ambari repositories listed similar to the following. Version values vary, depending on the installation.
    repo id           repo name                                       status
    ambari-         ambari Version - ambari-            12
    epel/x86_64                Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 7 - x86_64  11,387
    ol7_UEKR4/x86_64           Latest Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel Release 4
                                for Oracle Linux 7Server (x86_64)   295
    ol7_latest/x86_64          Oracle Linux 7Server Latest (x86_64)            18,642
    puppetlabs-deps/x86_64     Puppet Labs Dependencies El 7 - x86_64          17
    puppetlabs-products/x86_64 Puppet Labs Products El 7 - x86_64              225
     repolist: 30,578
  4. Accept the warning about trusting the Cloudera GPG Key.
    That key will be automatically downloaded and used to validate packages from Cloudera. You will see the following message:
    Importing GPG key 0x07513CAD: Userid: "Jenkins (HDP Builds) <>"
              From :