2.1. Kerberos Settings

You must first set up Kerberos for Ambari by configuring the Ambari Server daemon with a Kerberos principal and keytab. Refer to Configuring Views for Kerberos for instructions. After you have set up Kerberos for Ambari, in the Settings section of the Files View, enter the following:



Example Value

WebHDFS Username

This is the username the view will access HDFS as. Leave this default value intact to represent the authenticated view user.


WebHDFS Authorization

This is the semicolon-separated authentication configuration for WebHDFS access.



This property is only needed if the view is Custom Configured or Ambari Server is Kerberized before 2.4.0.


With a Kerberos setup, the proxy user setting should be the primary value of the Kerberos principal for Ambari Server. For example, if you configured Ambari Server for Kerberos principal ambari-server@EXAMPLE.COM, this value would be ambari-server. Refer to Configuring Views for Kerberos for more information..