2. Upgrade the 2.1 Stack to 2.2

  1. Upgrade the HDP repository on all hosts and replace the old repository file with the new file:


    Be sure to replace GA/2.2.x.x in the following instructions with the appropriate maintenance version, such as GA/ for the HDP 2.2 GA release, or updates/ for an HDP 2.2 maintenance release.

    • For RHEL/CentOS/Oracle Linux 6:

      wget -nv https://hdpweb.o.onslip.net/HDP/centos6/2.x/GA/2.2.x.x/hdp.repo -O /etc/yum.repos.d/HDP.repo 
    • For SLES 11 SP3:

      wget -nv https://hdpweb.o.onslip.net/HDP/suse11sp3/2.x/GA/2.2.x.x/hdp.repo -O /etc/zypp/repos.d/HDP.repo
    • For SLES 11 SP1:

      wget -nv https://hdpweb.o.onslip.net/HDP/sles11sp1/2.x/GA/2.2.x.x/hdp.repo -O /etc/zypp/repos.d/HDP.repo
    • For Ubuntu12:

      wget -nv https://hdpweb.o.onslip.net/HDP/ubuntu12/2.x/GA/2.2.x.x/hdp.list -O /etc/apt/sourceslist.d/HDP.list
    • For RHEL/CentOS/Oracle Linux 5: (DEPRECATED)

      wget -nv https://hdpweb.o.onslip.net/HDP/centos5/2.x/GA/2.2.x.x/hdp.repo -O /etc/yum.repos.d/HDP.repo

    Make sure to download the HDP.repo file under /etc/yum.repos.d on ALL hosts.

  2. Update the Stack version in the Ambari Server database.

    On the Ambari Server host, use the following command to update the Stack version to HDP-2.2:

    ambari-server upgradestack HDP-2.2

  3. Back up the files in following directories on the Oozie server host and make sure that all files, including *site.xml files are copied.

    mkdir oozie-conf-bak cp -R /etc/oozie/conf/* oozie-conf-bak

  4. Remove the old oozie directories on all Oozie server and client hosts

    • rm -rf /etc/oozie/conf

    • rm -rf /usr/lib/oozie/

    • rm -rf /var/lib/oozie/

  5. Upgrade the Stack on all Ambari Agent hosts.


    For each host, identify the HDP components installed on that host. Use Ambari Web to view components on each host in your cluster. Based on the HDP components installed, edit the following upgrade commands for each host to upgrade only those components residing on that host.

    For example, if you know that a host has no HBase service or client packages installed, then you can edit the command to not include HBase, as follows:

    yum install "collectd*""gccxml*""pig*""hdfs*""sqoop*""zookeeper*""hive*"


    If you are writing to multiple systems using a script, do not use "" with the run command. You can use "" with pdsh -y.

    If you are writing to multiple systems using a script, do not use "" with the run command. You can use "" with pdsh -y.

    • For RHEL/CentOS/Oracle Linux:

      1. On all hosts, clean the yum repository.

        yum clean all

      2. Remove all HDP 2.1 components that you want to upgrade.

        This command un-installs the HDP 2.1 component bits. It leaves the user data and metadata, but removes your configurations.

        yum erase "hadoop*""webhcat*""hcatalog*""oozie*""pig*""hdfs*""sqoop*"
      3. Install all HDP 2.2 components that you want to upgrade.

        yum install "hadoop_2_2_x_0_*""oozie_2_2_x_0_*""pig_2_2_x_0_*""sqoop_2_2_x_0_*"
        rpm -e --nodeps hue-shell
        yum install hue hue-common hue-beeswax hue-hcatalog hue-pig hue-oozie
      4. Verify that the components were upgraded.

        yum list installed | grep HDP-<old.stack.version.number>

        No component file names should appear in the returned list.

    • For SLES:

      1. On all hosts, clean the zypper repository.

        zypper clean --all

      2. Remove all HDP 2.1 components that you want to upgrade.

        This command un-installs the HDP 2.1 component bits. It leaves the user data and metadata, but removes your configurations.

        zypper remove "hadoop*""webhcat*""hcatalog*""oozie*""pig*""hdfs*""sqoop*"
      3. Install all HDP 2.2 components that you want to upgrade.

        zypper install "hadoop\_2_2_x_0_*""oozie\_2_2_x_0_*""pig\_2_2_x_0_*""sqoop\_2_2_x_0_*"
         rpm -e --nodeps hue-shell
        zypper install hue hue-common hue-beeswax hue-hcatalog hue-pig hue-oozie
      4. Verify that the components were upgraded.

        rpm -qa | grep hdfs, && rpm -qa | grep hive && rpm -qa | grep hcatalog

        No component files names should appear in the returned list.

      5. If any components were not upgraded, upgrade them as follows:

        yast --update hdfs hcatalog hive

  6. Symlink directories, using hdp-select.


    To prevent version-specific directory issues for your scripts and updates, Hortonworks provides hdp-select, a script that symlinks directories to hdp-current and modifies paths for configuration directories.

    Check that the hdp-select package installed: rpm -qa | grep hdp-select

    You should see: hdp-select-2.2.x.x-xxxx.el6.noarch for the HDP 2.2.x release.

    If not, then run: yum install hdp-select

    Run hdp-select as root, on every node. hdp-select set all 2.2.x.x-<$version> where $version is the build number.

    For the HDP release <$version> = 2.

  7. Verify that all components are on the new version. The output of this statement should be empty,

    hdp-select status | grep -v 2\.2\.x\.x | grep -v None

  8. If you are using Hue, you must upgrade Hue manually. For more information, see Configure and Start Hue.

  9. On the Hive Metastore database host, stop the Hive Metastore service, if you have not done so already. Make sure that the Hive Metastore database is running.

  10. Upgrade the Hive metastore database schema from v13 to v14, using the following instructions:

    • Set java home:

      export JAVA_HOME=/path/to/java

    • Copy (rewrite) old Hive configurations to new conf dir:

      cp -R /etc/hive/conf.server/* /etc/hive/conf/

    • Copy jdbc connector to /usr/hdp/2.2.x.x-<$version>/hive/lib, if it is not already in that location.

    • <HIVE_HOME>/bin/schematool -upgradeSchema -dbType<databaseType> where <HIVE_HOME> is the Hive installation directory.

      For example, on the Hive Metastore host:

      /usr/hdp/2.2.x.x-<$version>/hive/bin/schematool -upgradeSchema -dbType <databaseType>

      where <$version> is the 2.2.x build number and <databaseType> is derby, mysql, oracle, or postgres.