2.2. Customizable Users

This section contains the su commands and corresponding Hadoop service accounts that are configurable on install:

# Ambari Customizable Users
ambari ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:SETENV: /bin/su hdfs *, /bin/su zookeeper *, /bin/su knox *,/bin/su falcon *,/bin/su flume *,/bin/su hbase *,/bin/su hive *, /bin/su hcat *,/bin/su kafka *,/bin/su mapred *,/bin/su oozie *,/bin/su sqoop *,/bin/su storm *,/bin/su tez *,/bin/su yarn *,/bin/su ams *, /bin/su ambari-qa *, /bin/su spark *, /bin/su ranger *

These user accounts must match the service user accounts referenced in the Customize Services > Misc tab during the Install Wizard configuration step. For example, if you customize YARN to run as xyz_yarn, modify the su command above to be /bin/su xyz_yarn.