Ambari Reference Guide
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The Hortonworks Data Platform, powered by Apache Hadoop, is a massively scalable and 100% open source platform for storing, processing and analyzing large volumes of data. It is designed to deal with data from many sources and formats in a very quick, easy and cost-effective manner. The Hortonworks Data Platform consists of the essential set of Apache Hadoop projects including MapReduce, Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS), HCatalog, Pig, Hive, HBase, ZooKeeper and Ambari. Hortonworks is the major contributor of code and patches to many of these projects. These projects have been integrated and tested as part of the Hortonworks Data Platform release process and installation and configuration tools have also been included.

Unlike other providers of platforms built using Apache Hadoop, Hortonworks contributes 100% of our code back to the Apache Software Foundation. The Hortonworks Data Platform is Apache-licensed and completely open source. We sell only expert technical support, training and partner-enablement services. All of our technology is, and will remain free and open source. Please visit the Hortonworks Data Platform page for more information on Hortonworks technology. For more information on Hortonworks services, please visit either the Support or Training page. Feel free to Contact Us directly to discuss your specific needs.


1. Installing Ambari Agents Manually
Download the Ambari Repo
Install the Ambari Agents Manually
2. Customizing HDP Services
Defining Service Users and Groups for a HDP 2.x Stack
Setting Properties That Depend on Service Usernames/Groups
3. Configuring Storm for Supervision
4. Using Custom Host Names
How to Customize the name of a host
5. Moving the Ambari Server
Back up Current Data
Update all Agents
Install the New Ambari Server
6. Configuring LZO Compression
Configure core-site.xml for LZO
Running Compression with Hive Queries
Create LZO Files
Write Custom Java to Create LZO Files
7. Using Non-Default Databases
Using Non-Default Databases - Ambari
Using Ambari with Oracle
Using Ambari with MySQL
Using Ambari with PostgreSQL
Troubleshooting Non-Default Databases with Ambari
Using Non-Default Databases - Hive
Using Hive with Oracle
Using Hive with MySQL
Using Hive with PostgreSQL
Troubleshooting Non-Default Databases with Hive
Using Non-Default Databases - Oozie
Using Oozie with Oracle
Using Oozie with MySQL
Using Oozie with PostgreSQL
Troubleshooting Non-Default Databases with Oozie
8. Setting up Ambari to use an Internet Proxy Server
9. Configuring Network Port Numbers
Default Network Port Numbers - Ambari
Optional: Changing the Default Ambari Server Port
10. Change the JDK Version
11. Using Ambari Blueprints
12. Configuring HDP Stack Repositories for Red Hat Satellite
13. Tuning Ambari Performance
14. Tuning Ambari Metrics
Collector Modes
Aggregated Metrics TTL Settings
Memory Settings
(Optional) Enabling HBase Region and Table Metrics
General Guidelines
15. Moving the Ambari Metrics Collector
16. Configuring HTTPS for the Oozie Server